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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Do a Handstand: Get Your First Handstand in 30 Days

A handstand is one of the coolest exercises ever, but it’s also one of the most advanced moves to learn.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place.

Today you start your journey to the Upside-Down!

We'll start your journey to the Upside-Down with Handstands today!

Ah, not that Upside-Down…we’ll keep you in this dimension.

We’ve helped many of our coaching clients achieve their first handstand and today we’ll share with you how it’s done with this guide!

Nerd Fitness Coaching. You’ll be seeing a lot of him in today’s article because Jim can do handstands in his sleep.[1]

The Secret to Performing a Handstand

The hardest thing about handstands is actually the mental component.

Sure, we need to build strength to support ourselves upside-down, but even that hurdle is overblown.

A proper handstand actually starts to feel easy. 

That’s because once you’re balanced and aligned, it becomes uber efficient. Just as you don’t exert yourself much if you stand straight with good posture, a good efficient handstand is the same way… it will soon start to feel effortless.

Actually, the biggest hurdle to overcome – especially at the beginning – is the mental fear.

Don't be scared of handstands. It's not like anything spooky from ST.

The voice/feeling in the back of your head that says “you could get hurt doing this!” SCARY!

And I won’t sugar-coat things, you CAN hurt yourself working on these skills… but it’s no different than if you walked into the gym first day, slapped 315 lbs on the bench press and gave it a go.

Or went out and tried to run 13 miles without training.

The exercise itself isn’t dangerous, unless you attempt TOO much, too quickly.

If you wouldn’t load up a bar to deadlift 500 lbs on your first day in the gym, why do so many people just kick and fling themselves up into a handstand, failing repeatedly, hoping one day they’ll “get” it?

Don't try to do a handstand your first day practicing! Work up and progress as directed by this guide.

There’s a smarter way!

How do we overcome this fear and keep ourselves safe? Just like learning any other fitness skill: slow, easy, successful steps!

These small victories accumulate over time to bring us to our goals safely while having a lot of fun.

Are you ready to learn?

I'm glad Jack here wants to do handstands. But maybe he could be more chill about it.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Read on for ways to safely progress to handstand mastery!

Handstand Progression Warm-Up Routine

Folks from all over the NF Rebellion do handstands!

For any handstand exercise, there is going to be a significant amount of stress on the hands and wrists. So, it’s important you stretch and warm things up.

Here is a video from our NF Handstands course going over some of our favorite wrist stretches to prepare to get upside-down. Go through each stretch about 10 times.

Let’s spotlight a few of these Handstand Warm-Up exercises:

Forward and Back Wrist Stretch:

Rocking can help gain wrist strength, critical for doing handstands.

Lifted Palms Wrist Stretch:

Simply lift your palm off the ground for this stretch.

Reverse Palm Stretch:

Reverse your palms like so for this handstand stretch.

Backhand Palm Stretch:

Do this stretch with your backhand facing the ground.

Upside Down Wrist Stretch:

Another stretch for your handstand progression.

The trick with wrist stretches is to move as many different ways as feels comfortable. Feel free to make the warm-up your own!

The shoulders are another stressed area in the handstand. There are several ways we can prepare them for work

A few rounds of jumping jacks:

Jumping Jacks are a great cardiovascular bodyweight exercise

Or arm circles

Arm circles are a great way to warm-up for your handstand!

That will get the blood moving and the area ready.

From here, we’ll begin our journey leveling up your Handstand Progression.

We’ll start by having you work with some balance drills and some positional drills.

Nothing too crazy, and in fact some of these might seem TOO EASY. That’s fine! That’s what we want, remember?

We’re using small victories to motivate us. Landing on your head is not a great way to motivate anyone.

Don't progress so quickly that you hurt yourself in a handstand.

Want someone to build you a custom made progression plan for doing your handstand? Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program will do just that, plus your coach can review your movements through our app so you’ll know your training correctly and safely.

Level 6 Handstand Progression: How to Do a Handstand

We are now ready for you to try a handstand!

It’s going to come down to you slowly but surely leaving the safety of the wall.

First, just try to take one leg off the wall during your wall walk:

Lifting one leg during a wall walk is how we'll start our full handstand.

When you’re comfortable taking one leg off, trying switching them!

Once one leg feels comfortable, the trick will be switching legs like so!

The objective is now is to switch your legs in a slow, smooth manner – one lifts off the wall while the other simultaneously moves back to the wall. 

Once you get comfortable with this, it’s time to take both legs off the wall!

When you have both legs off the wall, you are doing a handstand! Woot!

BOOM! Your first handstand!

Are you doing it right?

A good way to tell would be to record your handstand practice and review it against the videos here to check your form.

Want to have an expert review your form? Check out our

1-on-1 Online Coaching Program! Our spiffy mobile app lets you send video of your handstand directly to your coach, who will provide feedback so you can perfect your technique.

They’ll also build a workout program that’s custom to your situation, which will have you doing handstands like Luke Skywalker in no time!

Alright, your turn:

Have you ever tried to kick up into a handstand?

What’s the one thing holding you back?

What questions can I answer?


PS: One day I’ll be able to type articles like this while doing a handstand. 

Jim, our lead trainer for

Nerd Fitness Coaching, makes it look so easy:

Jim really does make handstands look so easy.


Photo sources:


from Nerd Fitness

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

036: 5 common fitness mistakes

On today’s solo episode, I’m chatting about the five fitness mistakes I commonly see. You can probably guess what a few of them are, but hopefully there are a couple of surprises in there, too. πŸ˜‰  

Episode 36 5 common fitness mistakes

Download a copy of the full transcript here.

Let me know if you like these short episodes! I’ll still include some longer interviews but if you like these short ones, it will give me the opportunity to put new episodes out more often. 

5 common fitness mistakes

So you’re working out consistently, but not seeing results. Or maybe you were seeing results and have suddenly plateaued. Maybe you feel blah about your routine. It might be one of these fitness mistakes holding you down.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing some of the things I’ve seen in clients and have also experienced myself! There are so many easy steps in this episode that you can use this week to tweak your routine. Please let me know in the comments which one of these resonated the most with you.

Resources from this episode:

If you want to try some new classes, click here to get 21 days FREE of Les Mills On Demand. 

How to create a workout plan (PDF download is here)

Registered Dietitians:

Emily Field

Anne Mauney

Kim McDevitt

Some of my favorite fitness YouTube channels:

Jessica Valant

Pumps and Iron

The Fitness Marshall

If you’re working out at home this summer or traveling, click here to get 21 days FREE of Les Mills On Demand. 

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating, head to this page and you’ll get a little “thank you” gift from me to you. 

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play.

The post 036: 5 common fitness mistakes appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

5 Tips to De-bloat

Hey, babe! Question for ya. Do you ever get bloated? Chances are, you’re nodding vigorously with a repulsed look on your face. Bloating is a majorly gross feeling and can feel like an inescapable part of life sometimes. While we may not be able to take away your bloating forever, I’ve discovered some ways you…

The post 5 Tips to De-bloat appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.

from Love Sweat Fitness

Spell Your Name Workout

You’ll spell your name to create your own customized workout. Perfect for at home or the gym! πŸ™‚

Hi hi! How’s the day going? What are you up to? I’m catching a barre class then heading out shopping with the girls. We’ve never been to the outlet mall nearby, so I think we’re finally going to check it out.

Before we blitz, I have an all-new workout for ya!

Today’s workout is totally customizable depending on your name. I always love to play workout games and constantly find ways to change things up. For this one, you’ll find the letters in your name and do each corresponding move in a circuit, moving quickly from one exercise to the next. I’ve included some home modifications, too, just in case you’re getting a sweat at home or while traveling. To make it a longer workout, repeat the circuit 3 times, OR try doing your full name! 

Here’s what the workout look likes: 



Details for each letter in the Spell Your Name Workout:

A = 15 burpees

B = 20 bench hopovers

C = 30 curtsy lunges

D = 15 heavy deadlifts

E = 1-minute plank

2017 127 ZF 9559 40132 1 126

F = 25 frog crunches

G = 30 kettlebell swings

H = 30-second bar hang (at home: 12 heavy biceps curls)

I = 1-minute inchworm

J = 30 squat jumps

K = 25 kettlebell squats

L = 20 jumping lunges

M = 30 medicine ball slams

N = 12 broad jump burpees

O = 1 minute row for distance (or 1 minute jump squats)

P = 12 assisted pull-ups (or lat pulldowns on a machine or with a resistance band)

Q = 40 high knees

R = .25 mile run or walk (at home: 2 minutes of plyometrics or high knees)

S = 30 step-ups on a sturdy chair or bench

T = 30 toe touch crunches

U = 12 heavy biceps curls

V = 20 V-ups

W = 30 walking lunges

X = 20 X-jumps

Y = 25 triceps dips

Z = 25 skaters


So, what exercises make up your name? Feeling bad for the people with super long names right about now. 

Are there any rep or exercise games you like to play?




Some more *fun* workouts:

2-4-6-8-10 workout

2-4-6-8-10 treadmill workout

300 rep workout

15 minutes, 15 moves total body workout

30-20-10 workout


The post Spell Your Name Workout appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Monday, July 29, 2019

7 things I learned the hard way

 Hi friends! How are you? I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We met up with the family for Pizza Saturday, did a donut run, I took another hot yoga class and got in a strength workout, and we went to the pool not once but twice on Friday with friends. 

I’m catching an early Peloton class – Alex’s classes are my faves right now – and then we’re spending the rest of the day enjoying some summer adventures. School is starting next week (what?!), so I feel like it’s the last hurrah. About a month ago, I felt like summer was dragging on forever, and here I am wishing it would last just a little longer. I’m absolutely craving a little bit of routine again (and solid blocks of time during the day to work), but at the same time, I’m going to miss these lazy mornings and days at the pool. 

Hands in the air if you’re watching The Bachelorette tonight. I’m feeling ALL the emotions: excited, scared, nervous, devastated. I’ve read all the spoilers so I’m 99.9% sure it doesn’t go the way I’d like it to go, man, all the drama has made for some fabulous TV entertainment.  

Today’s post is a little bit random, but aren’t those ones the most fun? I thought I’d share 7 life lessons that I’ve had to learn the hard way. You know what I’m talking about: the things you think are going to work out splendidly but end up being a major fail. 

Things I learned the hard way: 

Always put an extra pair of underwear (bonus for an extra outfit), contacts, and a toothbrush with toothpaste in your carry-on backpack for all humans in your travel party. Our checked baggage has been lost too many times. When I was stuck in Phoenix with the girls and zero necessities, I told myself that I will never, ever make this mistake again. (Thankfully our cousins swooped us up for a Target run so I could get some essentials!)

On the same note: never leave the house without snacks and water bottles for all. Something about driving makes the everyone equally parched and starving. 

Nail salons are for nails and waxing/threading salons are for eyebrows. Many years ago, I let a nail technician sweetly convince me that I should get my eyebrows waxed. As I felt her spread the wax from my eyebrows all the way down to cover my entire eyelid (!) I prayed I wouldn’t end up like Christina from Grey’s Anatomy. 

“Mama took my eyebrows.”



Don’t cook the Trader Joe’s cauliflower gnocchi according to package directions. You’ll have a goopy, soggy mess. Pan saute in a little avocado oil for about 10 minutes and they’re crispy perfection.

Cutting your own bangs is always a bad idea. 

If you hate a book, quit reading it. Reading time is too precious to waste on novels that don’t suck you in with their story or provide relevant information.

Never put steak in the Instant Pot. This is something I’ll never forget. While the Pilot was deployed, I bought a nice grassfed steak from Whole Foods that the girls and I could share. I have no clue how to grill – my mom is now determined to teach me – and pan-searing never quite works for me, so I figured I’d put it in the Instant Pot. I retrieved a chewy, round, leather shoe. As Liv was chewing it (and each bite took maybe 30 chews for it to be possible to swallow), she sadly said, “I hate steak.” I had to remind her that she actually loves steak when it’s cooked properly. πŸ˜‰ (Thankfully the Pilot and Kyle have cooked steak many times since this sad occasion.) 

I’d love to hear any of the random things you’ve learned lately; drop your life tips in the comments sections. Can’t wait to read these.



The post 7 things I learned the hard way appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday Faves

Hi hi! Happy weekend to ya. What are you up to? The girls and I are having a Friday Fun Day – going to the Children’s Museum and then hitting up the pool with some friends. We’re officially done with camps and I can’t believe that school starts so soon! The rest of the weekend will be the usual shenanigans: lots of time with the fam, catching up on stuff around the house (I’m finally picking a paint color for the dreaded red wall), and work stuff. I have something exciting (*cough* leggings *cough*) that will be launching August 8, so keep your eyes peeled for that. πŸ˜‰

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my faves from the week and around the web. I always love to hear what you’re loving, too, so please shout out a fave in the comments section below. 


(Wearing this dress)


A momcation! I shared this one Instagram and so many friends said they used it to casually hint to their husbands that they could use a little R&R. I was feeling worn down after some rough nights of sleep around here. With the Pilot’s job transition, it has really shaken up our routine, and unfortunately, sleep has been affected. [Sometimes, I hesitate to write about sleep because I undoubtedly receive a few “You’re a bad parent! Make your kids sleep!” comments. Our kids are well-behaved, kind, polite, little loves, and sometimes they don’t sleep so well. I’ll take that any day of the week over a kid who sleeps peacefully through the night but is a jerk to other people.] Anyway, I was a walking zombie after being awake since 3:30am for about 3 days, and Tom booked me a room at the Lodge so I could catch up on some zzzzs.

It. was. everything.

Hotel wakeup

I drank red wine out of a Yeti cup, snuggled on the couch in a blanket reading for 3 blissful hours, and then slept for 10. I woke up to the sun peeking through the clouds, and felt like a new human being. Cheers to doing what we need to do to take care of our selves so we can give to others, and cheers to the husbands out there who sometimes know exactly what we need. 

Celebrating Nani’s birthday! The fam came over for a little birthday feast and celebration. Kyle grilled steaks and asparagus,

Grilled feast

madre brought amazing potatoes, and I made the usual enormous cheese board, 

IMG 0786


and Uncle E’s famous pasta salad. 

Pasta salad



We drank margaritas, spent the evening taking turns holding baby August and watching one of the kids’ many performances for us, and ate cake and cupcakes. It was perfect.

Hbd nani


Duolingo. Does anyone else use this fun tool? It’s a great way to practice another language and has been an excellent opportunity to brush up my espaΓ±ol. (Growing up, I always did the thing where family would speak to me in Spanish and I’d answer in English. I understand it perfectly, and minored in it in college, but don’t practice speaking very frequently.) You can follow friends through the app, and it’s always good inspiration to practice for a little while each day. 


I took at class here at Sumit Yoga in Tucson, and LOVED it. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a really hot 60-minute yoga class. (Usually if I practice yoga it’s slightly warm and 60 minutes.) About two of the class blocks were Bikram-inspired, and it felt good to go back to poses I used to love so dearly. (In a weird way. Like I enjoy having zero amount of dry clothes on my body since I’m entirely drenched in sweat and struggling to hold poses for 60 seconds, but it felt so amazing when it was over.) 


I have a Groupon for this month, so I’m excited to try more of their classes.

Looking for a kettlebell workout? Try this one!


Summer workout and chill playlists.

Don’t forget that you can still get 21 days of Les Mills On Demand for free with my link here! Try BODYPUMP, Grit, or BODY ATTACK. They’re all so good and perfect for end-of-summer travel or catching a quick workout at home. Check out my full review here.

Les mills on demand 2

Fashion + beauty:

So many great pieces still in stock for the Nordstrom Sale, like these cozy joggers, my fave leggings ever, this everyday v-neck, this gorgeous pendant (perfect holiday gift), the best pajamas, and my very fave bra. Some of my top picks from this years’ sale have sold out, so I’m happy that they still have a variety of sizes in stock for some of my beloved staples. 

If you’ve been wanting to try the new Countertime, it’s now officially on the site as a full regimen. Check it out here! If you start with one item, I would do the serum or the supreme cream.  

Read, watch, listen:

Raise your hand if you cried watching the new Mister Rogers trailer.

Do you have a personal ritual?

5 things to stop doing when you’re struggling.

“When you stop thinking about what people think of you, you do what is needed to be done to achieve your goals without a second thought.”

“Whole Place Locked” by So Dope and 5ILVA came up on my Spotify playlist and really put some pep in my workout step. 

Life lessons we can learn from our pets.


Caro baro

Good eats:

This breakfast! 4 liquid egg whites, 1 whole egg, nutritional yeast and sriracha + a Mikey’s English muffin with Kite Hill cream cheese, Everything But the Bagel seasoning, and leftover asparagus. 


Egg muffin asparagus

Can’t wait to try these zucchini muffins.

Dessert is served. 


Happy Friday!



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista