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Saturday, August 31, 2019


Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-2

Despite having woken at some ungodly hour for countless years as a Personal Trainer, I am not, nor have I ever been, a morning person – but I have my tricks! If you too are a regular human being and struggle with your daily breakup from that cozy sanctuary known as ‘bed’, I might be able to help you turn those dreaded early mornings from snooze mode to cruise mode! This post contains my favourite 5 universal methods to unlock some more of your morning potential! As a busy multi-tasking butterfly, I’m forever rushing to get out of the house, so grabbing something healthy, quick and easy is somewhat of a saviour. Tropicana, with whom I’ve partnered for this post, is a great option, and is a juice I’ve been drinking regularly since my youngest days in Sweden. Their new Whole Fruit juice is filling (the texture is velvety and rich), and it delivers an even greater knockout punch of nutritional value. Click MORE to see why I grab this on a busy morning, as well as my 5 key tips to help you live your best morning!


Hydration is critical since our bodies are c.70% fluid; very often when we’re hungry, we’re actually thirsty; the brain often mistakes dehydration for hunger, so by eliminating the former (by drinking up), the latter may also subside. We lose alot of water during the day, especially in the dry air-conditioned office environment! A regular swig helps keep me alert and focussed.

For me, starting my day hydrated and combining that with natural fruits and fibre is a key tactic. Consider that you’ve been in mini-hibernation zone for a good 7-8 hours and at this point, your body has depleted its short-term reserves just ticking over through the night; it’s in need of some serious hydration, and the metabolism could use kick-starting too.

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The Tropicana Whole Fruit in the ‘On The Go’ size I’m using has 50% more fibre than smoothies and juices on average. Moreover, this shot of goodness is made up of more of the edible parts of the fruit giving a richer thicker texture, making it a whole new way to drink fruit, and an easy way to get one of your 5 a day (given that about 2/3 of us Brits don’t make the 5-a-day goal*). As a result, I get more of the nutrition from the whole fruit, more of the fibre, and basically everything but the pips & peel!

Whilst I’m a traditional ‘OJ’ kind-of-girl, I am partial to the delicious apple flavour for its wonderful velvety-smooth textural consistency, which for whatever reason, transports me right back to my young carefree days growing up in Sweden on a farm! Apple juice can be surprisingly evocative :)

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The morning brings a stiff frame, so it’s time to maximise mobility! Essentially, I’d advocate regular stretching in as much depth as possible along with regular, hourly walking breaks to encourage a more consistent change in position, as well as some motor locomotion! If you’re training (and even if you aren’t but spend hours each day sat at a desk) there are vast benefits of stretching.

  • It can help to reduce the risk of injury, and keep the body mobile as it grows older.
  • It can help to improve the flexibility
  • It can help to speed up muscle recovery after an intense workout.

For a full ‘why to’ of stretching, check out my post HERE, but to add to that, why not:

  • Take the stairs rather than the lift at work; every little helps when it comes to moving well
  • Go for a walk mid-morning and you’ll be helping to develop stronger bones, to clear the mind, to energise the body by stimulating oxygen flow, and to tone up the muscles!

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Fashion Fitspo Selfridges Body Studio 3rd Floor London Athleisure Fashion Vogue Trends OOTD


This is one of my favourite ways to lift the morning fog. Everyone’s daily pressures differ, and mine come in the form of juggling personal training clients, meetings pertaining to this blog, and a few other projects I have on the go. For me, seeking a moment of tranquility to escape the relentless chaos to come, is best served through a moment of meditation. Spending 5 minutes a day meditating can help to achieve a slower heart rate, less muscular tension, reduced stress and a better outlook on life. More on the how-to HERE!



A well planned cleansing ritual to start the day can help me stay focussed later on; it is a relaxing, modest indulgence in the self, and promotes a clear, gentle mindset before the stresses of the day can intrude. Starting with the teeth is always my go-to; flossing, picking, brushing and washing. Thereafter I cleanse the face and gradually apply some light makeup. The daily ritual, accompanied by some gentle Jazz or Classical music, is a crucial way for me to generate more mental bandwidth to allow my mind to wander.

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Leaving meal decisions to the last minute, or perhaps just forgetting to eat, all have consequences; from experience with clients, it most likely means you’ll be eating lower quality foods and/or overeating, whereafter only delicious snacking will help. That’s a vicious cycle… instead, set aside 30-60 minutes each week to plan your weekly food blueprint (ideally before heading to the supermarket). Know what you’ll need and want, so that you eliminate the guesswork and statistically reduce the possibility of wavering…

If you’re time-poor (who isn’t?!) then cooking in bulk is a more efficient and a way more affordable way to stay on track with healthy eating through the week. Prepping for healthy mornings is especially important, as they’re your starting point for the day, and set you up for the coming adventures! I like to prep things like a fresh bircher muesli which can stew overnight, or a batch of coconut quinoa porridge as well as other high-quality foodstuffs which can be refrigerated, in big-batch Tupperware, then be dipped into through the week as needed.

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Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Recipe Nutrition Quorn Protein Collaboration Fatoush Salad Main-5

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-4

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-3

Next time you’re running out of the house, why not try one of the delish flavours from Tropicana. It’s both a morning treat, and daily nourishment for me!


Faya x

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This post is a sponsored collaboration with TROPICANA. For more about why I take on such projects, please see my DISCLOSURE page. Thank you.

The post 5 WAYS TO SQUEEZE EVERY BIT OUT OF YOUR MORNING appeared first on Fitness on Toast.

from Fitness on Toast


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