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Thursday, September 12, 2019

How to Perform the Overhead Press: The Ultimate Beginners Guide

Staci, shown doing the press, will walk you through all you need to master this movement.If you want to learn the overhead press, you’ve come to the right place!

We help many of our coaching clients pick up barbells for the first time, including how to perform the overhead press safely and effectively.


Engage your entire body while performing the bench press.

#3) The Dumbbell Press (where you use dumbbells)

In the neutral grip press, shown here, you have your hands together during the movement.

#4) The Military Press (where you stand with your heels together)

For this press variation, keep your feet together like you were standing at attention.

#5) The Arnold Press (starting with the forearms supinated and ending with the forearms pronated)

Yes, this is in fact named after THAT Arnold.

#6) The Push Press (where you use some leg drive to help you get the bar overhead)

In this press variation, you use your legs to drive and "push" the barbell overhead.

#7) The Power or Push Jerk (where you drop under the bar instead of pressing it up)

 This press variation has you dropping below the bar a little.

#8) The Split Jerk (where you drop under the bar and land in a lunging position, and then stand up with the bar)

Much like the push jerk, but ending in a lunge position.

But the overhead press, ”THE PRESS,” is the original. 

We will discuss some of these variations later in this article, but we’ll primarily be focusing on the classic two-handed barbell overhead movement.

Here’s how to get started with the overhead press:

Preferably you’ll have:

  • A Squat Rack

A squat rack like this is perfect for squatting.

  • A Bar

You can use all sorts of things to raise a deadlift bar up, like these boxes.

(Don’t be afraid to start with a lighter bar. For a lot of beginners, the 45lb bar is too heavy – it was for my first few months of lifting!)

The rack should be set at the same height as if you were going to squat – so that the bar is at the same height as your collarbone.

As shown here, you want the bar roughly the same hight as your collarbone for the overhead press.

When in doubt, go lower versus higher – you don’t want to have to get on your toes to get the bar into the right position.

Now, when setting up the overhead press the goal will be to create the most efficient path for the bar. This will allow us to apply the most force as possible, and lift the most amount of weight.

We’ll be going in-depth on this movement below, so don’t get overwhelmed!

Plus, if at any time you do get frustrated, we are here to help!

Our Coaching Program will partner you with a trained professional who will teach you how to lift barbells, design a custom workout routine, and check your form through our snazzy app!

#5) How much weight should I be pressing?

On average, it is between 62% to 69% of your bench press.

HOWEVER, as we point out in our guide “

How much weight should I be lifting?” we recommend that EVERYBODY start with just the bar, and perfect this movement – add weight each week when you feel ready to do so – don’t worry, you’ll get caught up to your other movements quickly enough πŸ™‚

#6) Why is the press so much lower than all of my other numbers?

Because it’s a much harder lift! Since the press uses every muscle in your body, and your weaknesses have nowhere to hide, the number is usually much lower. Also, your shoulders just aren’t as strong as your legs πŸ™‚

#7) Where should I fit in the overhead press into my training program?

Great question! If you are

Building Your Own Workout Routine,” then there are a few things you need to consider.

It depends on your exact training program, but for every “bench press workout”, there should be an “overhead press workout.” That doesn’t necessarily mean do them on the same day, but they should even out.

Here’s a sample 3-day workout split that we might give our

Coaching Clients:




Remember – your pressing movements complement each other and should be done evenly. But first and foremost, be sure to include some variation of the press in your programming.

How to Get Better at the Overhead Press

A woman pressing as against a beautiful sky.

You should now know everything you need to know about pressing weight up above your head! 

All that’s left to do is…actually press some weight above your head!

If you’re looking for more guidance or instruction, I have three great next steps for you. Pick the option that aligns with your goals:

Option #1) If you want step-by-step guidance, a custom strength training program that levels up as you get stronger, and a coach to keep you accountable, check out our killer 1-on-1 coaching program:

Your NF Coach can help you lose weight and get healthy!


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