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Monday, August 31, 2020

Family movie night + latest adventures

Sharing a themed Ratatouille family dinner and movie night + what we’ve been up to lately.

Hi friends. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Thank you so much for your outpouring of love and sweet comments, DMs, and emails about Bella’s diagnosis. Even though she’s had a very long and happy life, surrounded by people who love her and just want to feed her the chicken she desires, I’m still gutted by the news. I talked to her wonderful vet tech for for a while on Friday and he gave us an idea of how this will progress and things to look out for. (Basically I need to make her food as appetizing as possible so she’ll keep eating.)

It was a rough week and to add to the fun, I threw out my back. I saw a chiropractor hoping for sweet relief but she only used the little hand clicky thing and it didn’t help. I’m seeing another chiro tomorrow with hopes that she’ll hold me like a baby, pop everything into place, and I can be normal again. (I throw my back out maybe once every 2-3 years and it’s horrible. I’ve been hobbling around since last Wednesday and crying over Bella. I’m a hot mess, let me tell ya.)

One of the few things to get me out of this funk was a family movie night that we’d planned a while back. Before you think I’m creative and crafty, I cannot take credit for this cute idea. One of my friends (a real-life Pinterest mom) has been hosting themed movie nights for her kiddos each week. I thought the girls would love this, so I planned a movie night around Ratatouille – a light-hearted movie that we all enjoy.

I created a menu and movie tickets,

(just made these on Canva)

Ordered some chef hats from Amazon,

and we feasted on grapes, cheese, and homemade sourdough, Remy’s potato soup (recipe is here and it was AWESOME. I used almond milk instead of the cream), classic ratatouille (my first time making it) and movie candy. It was such an easy at-home activity and a fun way to switch up the usual movie night. The girls have already requested their next selections. 🙂 We’re going to do Princess and the Frog this week!

Over the weekend, we had our usual girls’ weekend fun (the Pilot was out of town). P had horseback lessons (she’s getting so good and loves it!), Liv had dance, we met up with friends for dinner at the pool, and Saturday was my dad’s birthday.

We love hanging out over there and the girls always have a blast swimming and playing in the playroom. We feasted on Mexican food, sang, “Happy Birthday” to my dad, and ate volcano for dessert.

This week, we’re back into the swing of things. It’s nice to have a little bit of a routine and predictability even though distance learning has still been a bit tricky. How are you guys doing with the distance learning thing? Any tips or things that are working well for you? I just feel like it’s not a lot of actual instruction and a lot of work/assignments.

Any fun weekly things you’ve done with the kiddos to give everyone something to look forward to? The girls loved weekly “sleep in a tent” nights until the novelty wore off a few months later. 😉 Family movie night is taking the place for now.

Happy Monday and I’ll see ya in the am with a post on how to set up your Peloton or any spin bike.



The post Family movie night + latest adventures appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista


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