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Saturday, August 29, 2020

My Best Tips for Self Care

tips for self care

Now that our Summer Shape Up challenge is in the books, we just want to tell you how proud we are of this LSF community! One of the most important parts of staying motivated is making sure you’re giving yourself the rest and rejuvenation you need. And what perfect timing, because September is Self Care Awareness Month and WE. ARE. CELEBRATING.

tips for self care

We put together a self care mini challenge for you to do for the entire month of September! It’s time for you to focus on YOU – rest, recharge, and give yourself the self care you deserve. How it works? Use the printable below to complete each self care task every day!

Additionally, throughout the entire month of September we are doing two IG Lives a week – one workout and one self care workshop with Katie and other besties of LSF! You’ll find the entire schedule for the month on your self care calendar. And week 3? We are all doing the Self Love Workbook together!! Grab your girls and get ready for some reflection, growth, and self love.

Need a little self care inspo? Check out some of our fave ideas!

Spa Day

Run by Sephora or your favorite beauty store and pick up some of their best face masks, polish, and essential oils and have an at-home spa day! Indulge in your favorite treatments from the comfort of your own home, for a fraction of the price. The time spent resting and recharging will equip you to head into your next workout ready to go!

Dinner & Movie Night 

Make some reservations with your go-to girlfriend, and hit the town! A night of some well-deserved fun and treating yourself to a yummy meal before enjoying a rom-com at home is the perfect way to reward yourself for your hard work! Make one of our healthy dessert or drink recipes for a complete girls night!

Shopping Spree 

These tips for self care don’t need any introduction – girl, you know exactly what to do! Hit your favorite store and grab some cute new pieces for your closet! Or use some of your treat-yourself-budget to buy a couple of new workout pieces that will make you super excited to get dressed for your next sweat session. (Psst… we know of a place to get some new swag!)

Day Trip 

If you need a little getaway without having to make it an official vacay, a day trip is the perfect way to get what you need! Hop in the car with your bestie and head up the coast or into the mountains, and stop at a cute coffee shop or landmark along the way to snap a pic or two. Take on a little adventure to leave you feeling refreshed! Don’t feel like going anywhere? Build your own paradise at home!

We know these tips for self care will help you build momentum as you keep crushing your goals, but what’s most important is finding what form of self care works best for you. Instead of a spa day, you might prefer a hike or a yoga. Rather than dinner and a movie, taking a walk to your fave coffee shop with a friend for some heart-to-heart convo might be what you love! 

Whatever your own tips for self care might be, focus this month on making it more of a priority in your schedule. Improving your ability to care for yourself and recharge will only help you in your fitness journey!

We’re so excited to see how these tricks and tips for self care help you get closer to crushing your goals. Grab your Self Love Workbook and let’s work on the art of treat-yo-self during this amazing month of Self Care September!

The post My Best Tips for Self Care appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.

from Love Sweat Fitness


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