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Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday Faves

Hi friends. Happy Friday! I hope you’re having a lovely week. The Pilot was gone most of the week, but thankfully, he’s back today. I’m looking forward to hanging out this weekend, filming new videos for Fit Revolution (<— my link gets you 14 days free and the code GINAHARNEY for 10% off your first month), and getting everything ready to send out for the Home Workout Warrior challenge TOMORROW. Join today so you can everything in your inbox tomorrow afternoon!

Here are the incredible giveaway prizes: a Daily Harvest shipment, Equilibria brilliance box and bath bombs, a green juice and gold powder from Organifi, an Inside Tracker blood test and RD consult (worth over $600 alone) and a year’s access to Fit Team. Let’s gooooooo! Sign up here.

Exciting news: we have a new little member of the family.

Meet Cookie, the hairless guinea pig.

Lollipop suddenly passed away last weekend, which was devastating. (The girls and I all cried and poor Liv was the first to discover it, since the guineas live in her room.) We knew we wanted to get Donut a friend since guineas are social animals and like to have a buddy. The Humane Society didn’t have any available guinea pigs, so we knew exactly what to do.

Whenever I take the girls with me to Petco, we always stop to look at the animals. Over the past few months, we’ve noticed the hairless guinea pig, who was so strange-looking but in a cute way, and she would happily popcorn (jump with joy!) when she would see us. P has been obsessed ever since.

So Monday, we brought her home. We currently have a divider in the habitat so they can get used to each other slowly, but they both seem to love each other. They sniff each other’s faces and popcorn around. It’s by far, the happiest we’ve ever seen Donut. And Cookie is just the dang sweetest thing ever. She has the cutest little temperament and LOVES hay and really enjoys when we pet her little head. She’s precious.

Now if she could live longer than 2 years, that would be cool. I don’t think my heart can handle any more.

Now it’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. Please share something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Read, watch, listen:

Atomic Habits. My current goal is to read or listen to at least one book per week. I know it won’t be sustainable all year (with Liv’s virtual learning schedule, launches, the Pilot being gone, life, etc), but when it makes sense, I try to go to bed early and read for a bit, or listen to Audible while I’m folding laundry, cleaning or cooking. I’m currently listening to Atomic Habits and am really enjoying it so far.

In Atomic Habits, the author James Clean explains that our small habits throughout the day can propel us to the type of person we want to be. (For example, instead of having a goal like, “I want to run a marathon,” you create habits to make yourself a RUNNER, so that you still feel motivated to run and enjoy it as a part of life, even after the marathon is over.) Everything about our lives and results are shaped by our habits; good or not-so-great. He gives tips for creating beneficial habits and ways to get rid of the ones that don’t serve us. I’m only halfway through, but absolutely recommend it so far.

Speaking of habits, this week’s podcast episode discusses the impact of sugar on our lives. While I’ll never give it up cold turkey (I need to live mmm k?), it’s inspired me to cut back my sugar intake a bit this week and go for fresh fruit instead.

This is so real:

Soul was such an unexpected treat. I wasn’t sure if I would be into it, but it was heartwarming with a beautiful message and wonderful music. It provoked a lot of deep questions from the girls, many of which I didn’t know the answers to, but it gave us a lot to talk about.

Fitness + good eats:

Check out this fun dance sculpt video!

Lower body strength circuits class.

Tips for balancing running, strength training, and yoga.

Can’t wait to try these crunchy roll bowls.

Tips to beat treadmill boredom.

We LOVE homemade falafel bowls.

Fashion + beauty:

I’m thinking I might like these Beyond Yoga leggings more than the lululemon Aligns.

I got a spray tan at home this past week for some upcoming pics and I have to say, it was quite a mood booster. I’ve felt pretty blah lately and go many days without wearing a bra or makeup lol. Even though I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, it feels nice to have a bit of a tan. If you’re looking to replicate this at home, try these tanning drops. They smell great and are made with safer ingredients.

Happy Friday, friends!


The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista


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