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Thursday, October 8, 2020

The 4 Foods You Need to Eat to Grow Your Butt

what foods make your butt bigger

How about those booties, cuties??

We’re already more than a week into the Booty Challenge — how crazy is that? I’m having a ton of fun with it, and I’m already seeing results every time I slip into my yoga pants. But let’s not stop now. We’re just getting started!

One of the questions I get asked all the time is what foods make your butt bigger. I mean, it’s probably the reason our Nutrition Guide to Building That Booty is one of our top blogs of all time.

And girl, I get it. If you’re going to sweat through those squats and lunges, you want to make sure you get the most bang for your buck! That’s what our Hot Body Meal Plan is all about, so if you haven’t already grabbed it, I totally recommend it. Seriously, I’ve spent so much time building this plan so it fuels your workouts and your results post-workout — all while making sure you get super delicious meals and plenty of snacks!

what foods make your butt bigger

Plus, right now, if you buy the HBMP, you get our 12-page Cutie with a Booty ebook for free (yay!). It’s literally loaded with butt-specific tips to make sure you get seriously impressive results from this Booty Challenge!

But if you’re hungry to build that booty right now, let’s talk about what foods make your butt bigger. First, I want to quickly go over my earlier recommendations. Then, I’m going to give you four ALL-NEW suggestions to help that peach look extra peachy. 

Refresher course: what foods make your butt bigger

Okay, obv a lot of you have already seen my blog from last winter about foods that make your butt bigger. But just in case you haven’t, here’s a quick list of my top picks:

  1. Eggs
  2. Nuts
  3. Chickpeas
  4. Lean meat
  5. Salmon
  6. Chia seeds
  7. Plain Greek yogurt
  8. Brown rice
  9. Spinach
  10. Hemp seeds

Seeing a trend here? It’s all about quality proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. These things are gonna give your body the building blocks it needs to create a super sweet booty!

Also, if you haven’t gotten through the whole Booty Challenge Sweat Starter yet (you get this for free when you join the 31 day Booty Challenge btw), you might have missed my booty-building workout meals. So here’s a quick recap:

what foods make your butt bigger


Eat your pre-workout snack about a half hour before you get sweating.

  • An apple or pear with a tablespoon of nut butter
  • Greek yogurt with granola and berries
  • Oatmeal with blueberries and one tablespoon of nut butter


Eat these within 30 minutes of your cooldown. 

  • A slice of toast with a tablespoon of nut butter and a half a sliced banana
  • A smoothie with a cup of your milk of choice, a cup of ice, a scoop of protein powder, a half a banana, and a half-cup of blueberries
  • Scrambled eggs with a quarter of an avocado on a whole-wheat or grain-free wrap

#1: Flaxseeds

As far as what foods make your butt bigger, you’ll probably notice that I mention seeds a bunch. And that’s because they’re a great source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. 

For real, flaxseeds are such an easy way to get more protein into your diet so your body has what it needs to build muscle in that butt. Just two tablespoons (about 21 grams) of flaxseeds give you 4 grams of clean, plant-based protein. Throw them in a smoothie or sprinkle them over a salad or a bowl. They’re so easy to incorporate and can help you up your protein intake without having to cook or chop a single thing! 

#2: Quinoa

Another protein-rich food, quinoa is so awesome for you. It has a ton of essential minerals, plus it’s a complete protein. That means that it has all nine essential amino acids that your body can’t make by itself. These amino acids help your body build muscle, so it’s no wonder quinoa makes my list when asked what foods make your butt bigger! Try out this delish pumpkin quinoa recipe!

what foods make your butt bigger

#3: Cottage cheese

Okay, I know some people have a thing with cottage cheese. And I get it. If you ate it as part of your school lunches all cold and on its own, it probably wasn’t the most appetizing thing.

But don’t overlook it! Cottage cheese has a super-impressive 22 (twenty-freaking-two!) grams of protein per cup. And you don’t have to choke it down to get all those grams, girl! There are lots of ways to make cottage cheese super tasty.

Trust me on this. Try mixing it with salsa for a delicious dip. Or stir it in with jam to make a sweet topping for your breakfast. I even like to make a salad and add some hard-boiled eggs and cottage cheese for a powerful protein punch. 

#4: Sweet potato

Remember what I was saying about complex carbs? These are the slow-burning fuels your body needs to give you a ton of energy!

And sweet potato is a rockin’ complex carb. Basically, your body stores it as glycogen so it can use it during your workouts to keep you pumped up. And then, your body can use it to help with your recovery and muscle building. So sweet potato can help you crush your workout and get your best booty results from it! Obvi, then, it has to go on the list of what foods make your butt bigger. One of my favorite sweet potatoes recipes is this almond butter sweet potato in the Hot Body Meal Plan. Major yum.

You’ve got a lot of options here, babe! Try working a few of the foods I mentioned here into each meal and your booty’s going to be looking so insanely good!

The post The 4 Foods You Need to Eat to Grow Your Butt appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.

from Love Sweat Fitness


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